Infra Pipe Solutions

Release Notes;

Significant effort has been made to do the calculations in a manner that is consistent with the engineering references cited throughout the 'calculator' and to do so without logic or arithmetic errors. The new program release is intended to capture and reflect updates within the engineering principals and practices for North America. Although every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the program, variables and or unknowns may effect final results. Due to this, users retain the responsibility for the correctness and accuracy of tool results. If any errors are encountered, and or improvements are identified, please send this information to so that this tool can be further validated for accuracy and improved as needed.

Most users of the current online calculator (except those who are recently new) will automatically be registered for the use of our new Online Pipe Calculator v2024.04.

Please note, some features (including lookup tables) do not work with older versions of windows.

This program is a supplement to Infra Pipe Solutions design brochures, Sclairpipe Systems Design and The Basics of Weholite.It also is based in part on the Plastic Pipe Institute - Handbook of Polyethylene Pipe, and the ASTM and CSA specifications that are relevant.

The user is expected to have an understanding of the equations and principles involved, their applicability and limitations. Use of this program is not intended to replace the evaluation and judgement of a professional engineer competent in this field. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein, its accuracy is not guaranteed. All tables, statements, and results may be considered as recommendations only.

THE ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF COMPETITIVE PROFILE WALL PIPE PRODUCTS VARY BY MANUFACTURER. Recommendations arisingfrom use of this program to evaluate design conditions using Profile Wall Weholite Pipe are not applicable to products manufactured by others.

Press Accept if you accept and acknowledge understanding these terms.
